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Stage 3 Reopening - Retail and Dining

Bay Area counties have begun moving into Stage 3 of the reopening plan, with retail and dining seeing reduced restrictions. Malls have also reopened, with strict mask and social distancing protocols in place in order to reduce the risk of coronavirus transmission. Some areas, like Marin County, have seen an increase in cases but will continue with their original reopening plan while encouraging a stricter enforcement of precautionary measures. Alameda County, with the most cases in the Bay Area, is following a stricter timeline. While most Bay Area counties have already reopened outdoor dining (the latest being San Francisco on June 12), Alameda County is waiting until June 19 to allow these services. Similarly, indoor dining, gyms, and museums will likely open much later in Alameda County. Napa County, which has seen the quickest reopening, has even begun to open wineries, and will likely allow gyms and other services to be available soon.

For more information about the reopening, please visit the following website for county-specific information:

In other news, Santa Clara County has issued a health order mandating large healthcare systems to provide testing to high risk patients, and there have been many coronavirus outbreaks at construction sites, which has led to stricter safety protocols.

For more information, please visit the following sites:

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